The Analytics Bottleneck: Make Your Data Easier And Quicker To Access

When it comes to big data and analytics, you should be able to access this information quickly without a hassle. Once data has been collected, it is translated into a user-friendly language creating materials that that are crucial to running a business. Big data and analytics serve to track key performance indicators, target new markets and reach revenue goals. However, companies, no matter their size, could encounter a data blockage that hinders their ability to use the data as it mined and translated leaving them with an analytics bottleneck.

If your company is experiencing a data blockage, there are ways three specific ways you can free it:

1. Adapt new technologies

To improve decision making based on data analysis, you should be open to adopting new technologies for your business. If you’re relying on an older type of technology to produce your company’s analytics, you will experience the dreaded bottleneck. Your company needs to keep up with technology as it advances. Without embracing improvements and innovations, especially when it comes to analytical tech and machine learning, you will be faced with slow data that takes too long to access.

2. Isolate the workload

In order to house data, your company needs an infrastructure in place. If you adhere to #1 and adapt new technologies, you can go one step further and improve on your existing data infrastructure. Once that’s done, you’ll be able to isolate the workloads within the data infrastructure making the data easier to access. When data workloads are isolated, the complex statistical functions done within the data warehouse will run faster. Instead of processing entire droves of structured and unstructured data at once, the isolated workload allows you to access specific results and information as needed.

3. Work with your IT department not against them

It may seem like your IT department is holding your analytics hostage and doling it out piecemeal – but in reality, they can only share with you what they have when they have it. In order to fully do away with the analytics bottleneck you will need to work with your IT department to come up with better solutions. Many companies are creating new positions like Chief Data Officer or Chief Analytics Officer to provide a leadership role when it comes to how analytics are produced and shared internally. The CDO or CAO will work in tandem with your IT department to ensure that their are no more analytics buildups and data can be easily shared throughout the company.

In order to get rid of the analytics buildup it may mean hiring more technicians, creating new positions and investing in better data storage and other networks. Your company will benefit from data that is quicker and easier to access leading to growth, higher revenue streams and an overall improvement in how the business runs.

If you’re looking for more information on this topic, please consult with our team of specialists. You can contact us by phone or via the form on our website.